Measuring Success as a Planner - Trust, Communication, and Consistency

In the dynamic world of project planning, determining success can be challenging, especially when working with team members who may or may not value your services. As a project planner, the primary goal is to provide accurate reporting and guide our teams with truthful insights into a project's position, progress, and future direction. However, in an environment where your advice might not always be heeded, how do you measure your success? Here’s how one of Profactaplan’s team members has approached this challenge and found success in his role.

Building Trust and Communication

Success in any relationship, whether professional or personal, hinges on trust and communication. As project planners, we need our clients and project teams to trust us and see us as reliable and contributing members of the team. You cannot build this trust overnight—it requires consistent effort and clear communication.

Good People Skills

Developing strong interpersonal skills is crucial. Being able to manage people, build meaningful relationships, and become an integral part of the team is the foundation of trust. When your team sees you as approachable and dependable, they are more likely to consider your input and advice.

Consistency is Key

Consistency is the cornerstone of building trust. Always ensure your team is considered when compiling reports and gathering information. When team members feel involved and responsible for the information being reported, they are more likely to be invested in the outcomes. Consistently involving key members in the process and issuing reports on time, even if they aren’t immediately read, establishes a pattern of reliability.

Over time, as you continue to provide accurate and timely reports, your team will start paying attention. Initially, it might be to find faults or challenge your data, but this engagement is a victory in itself. Once team members begin to engage, you can pull them further into the process by requesting their expertise to improve future reports. This involvement creates a sense of ownership and investment in the project's success.

Demonstrating Value Through Accurate Forecasts

One of the clearest indicators of success is when your information and forecasts prove accurate. If you’ve predicted an issue and recommended a remedy, the outcome—whether the recommendation is followed or not—provides tangible proof of your value.

If your suggested remedy is applied and resolves the issue, it demonstrates the practical impact of your advice. Conversely, if your advice is ignored and the forecasted issue arises, it highlights the accuracy and importance of your insights. Either way, it builds your credibility and reinforces the trust your team has in your abilities.

Iterative Improvement

Success in planning is often an iterative, or repetitive, process. With each cycle of reporting and feedback, the plan is updated and refined. When your team actively participates in this process, asking questions and applying recommendations, they see the positive results over time. Continuous updates and applications of plans ensure that the team learns and adapts. This iterative approach not only improves the project’s outcomes but also strengthens the team’s trust in your expertise.

Proof of Effort in Uncontrollable Situations

Despite our best efforts, some factors will always be beyond our control. In these situations, having documented proof that you took all possible measures to mitigate risks and address issues is crucial. It demonstrates your diligence and thoroughness, even when outcomes aren't ideal. This level of accountability and transparency is key to maintaining trust and demonstrating your commitment to the project's success.


Measuring success as a project planner in a client-driven environment revolves around building trust, consistent communication, and involving your team in the process. Demonstrating the value of your forecasts and maintaining a commitment to iterative improvement ensures that your contributions are recognized and appreciated. Even in the face of uncontrollable challenges, proof of your dedicated efforts reinforces your role as a vital member of the team. By focusing on these areas, you can navigate the complexities of your role and achieve success as a project planner.

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Charisa Langeveld